Some big changes have been implemented in the development of Render Beetle’s NFT project. Changes are as follows:

  • Minting has been moved to the Wax blockchain, instead of Solana.
  • The primary NFT aspect ratio has been changed from 1:1 to 5:7.
  • Series 1 will be renamed to “Genesis”. This will only be seen in the metadata.
  • All NFTs will be video mp4 format. There will no longer be still images as part of Genesis (Series 1).
  • All Genesis NFTs will feature full drum sets, instead of individual drums. This includes drum hardware and cymbals. There may be single drum NFTs minted in the future, but they will not be part of the Genesis series.
  • All Genesis series NFTs will be 1/1 originals.
  • Render engine has been switched from Cycles to Eevee. This allows for faster renders, which is necessary to bring all NFTs to video format.